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Narcissistic and Psychopathic Leaders

By: Sam Vaknin

...dividualism and self-gratification at the expense of community, namely the United States". They assert that the disorder is more prevalent among ce... ... the book "Being There". It describes the election to the presidency of the United States of a simpleton, a gardener, whose vapid and trite pronoun... ... Syndrome" is now manifest throughout the world: from Russia (Putin) to the United States (Obama). Given a high enough level of frustration, triggere... ...hopathic personalities to power is most pronounced in countries that lack a democratic tradition (such as China, Russia, or the nations that inhabit... .... Yet, all these polities maintain a theatre of democracy, or a theatre of "democratically-reached consensus" (Putin calls it: "sovereign democracy"... ... are replete and concurrent with a personality cult or the adoration of the party in power. In most developing countries and nations in transition, ... ...opaganda, a plurality of media, and voting. But its quiddity is absent. The democratic principles are institutions are being consistently hollowed o... ...e prevail even when the leader is chosen by a select few (the nobility, the party). Thus, information about the leader is gathered from open sources... ...and exclusive role: to get re-elected. His primary responsibility is to his party and its members. He owes them patronage: jobs, sinecures, guarant...

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